Traditional Chinese Medicine
"Block the evil until it no longer exists, and handicap it until it no longer appears" - Lao-c' (Tao Te Ching)
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a method of health care that has evolved over more than 4 000 years. It is a proven method of approaching the human body as an entire unit. It aims at its balance (energetic-Qi, a balance between Yin and Yang, the mutual interaction of the five elements). When the balance is broken, a disease consequently appears (whether by external factors, for example injuries or by internal factors, for instance psychical), it seeks the cause of the origin and tries to remove it.
The strengths of Traditional Chinese Medicine lie in each client to be treated uniquely.
Methods used:
fytotherapy - Herbal therapy, acupuncture (acupressure), dietary recommendations, tuina massage, flasking, moxing, Qi Gong exercise
The selection of the method is quite individual, according to the needs and possibilities of each client.
First visit
Before the best way of the treatment is suggested, an entry examination needs to be carried out (entry consultation), and the cause of the complaint being found. This examination consists of questioning everything that is connected with particular complaints, or with other health problems that are not apparently connected with the actual problem. Diagnosis according to the tongue and the pulse is then carried out. All these steps can last from one to two hours.
The Chinese Medicine helps with:
- painful states (e.g. musculoskeletal disorders (hips, knees, shoulders, backbone, tennis elbow), arthritis, rheumatism pains, headaches, migraines)
- gynaecological problems (e.g. pre-menstrual syndrome (irritation, moodiness, breast pains, lower abdominal pains), painful menstruation, irregularities in the cycle, vaginal discharge, myomas, formation of cysts, menopause, infertility, pre IVF cycle)
- dermatic problems (e.g. spots, eczemas, dermatitis, herpes, inflammation, itchy skin)
- digestive problems (e.g. chronic constipation, diarrhoea, inflammatory diseases of intestines, flatulence, heartburn, indigestion, ulcers on the tongue, dry mouth, lumps in the throat, burning tongue)
- urolological problems (e.g. chronic inflammation of the urethra, tendency to an inflammation of the urethra, incontinence)
- respiratory problems (e.g. symptoms of cold , cough, chronic cold, allergy, sore throat both acute and chronic, mucus problems, asthma, inflammation)
- general problems (for example, sleeplessness, tiredness, conditions post-CMP, excessive perspiration, thermoregulation problems - feeling feverish or feeling hot, feeling of heavy legs or whole body weight, irritability, stress)